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Helloooo everyone! :D Welcome to the new Sketchdump for January! Here we go with this month's sketch collection! :D

Shoutout to Telo-vi who asked for a sketch of mama Giza! I miss drawing this beautiful lady, she was definitely one of my favorite characters hhh!

Shoutout to Emma , who asked for a sketch of baby Mondo in a daisy field! This bean is so adorable ahhh, baby kittens are the best!!

Shoutout to Stricksa, who asked for a sketch of Chui in the process of taking a bath xD Safe to say he's not even mad, he just can't believe someone had the nerve to bathe him! Look at his face lol! 

Shoutout to Shadow Hyder, who asked for a young Razer! Why isn't she adorable! The cutest little ball of evil the world has ever seen! he also doesn't have her signature scar yet, that will come in time, just like the crazy attitude xD

Shoutout to Stricksa again, who asked for Safari under a Christmas tree with a cute bow on his head! Aww, wouldn't he make the perfect Christmas gift? Gotta love this cute old man!

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who asked for a sketch of Faida celebrating the new year! Complete with classy 2022 glasses! xD Gotta love how energetic she is hhh!

Shoutout to Timelapse11, who asked for a sketch of Africa... as a horse! XD Lol she looks quite surprised about this sudden change! Doesn't she look pretty though? A "spotted zebra" if you will! :D

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for a sketch of Chui as Voldemort! Why does this fit so well hhhh, he is just the right level of crazy and sadistic hahaha!

Shoutout to an epic combo of Raptorzs, Pantera, CrescentTrinity, and Tiger Bazooka, who all together asked for a future portrait of Africa with her grown-up babies: Mosi, Binti and Mondo! Oh if only things had gone differently! <3 This is equal parts wholesome and nostalgic!

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for a sketch of Izkaph as a modern teenager xD Why do I find this rendition of her oddly satisfying rofl! She's probably texting memes to Rothwer hahah!

Shoutout to LukeWolf, who asked for a sketch of Chui as Darth Vader! Another perfect fit lol, I can totally see him trying to recruit Mosi under his wing and turn him into a Sith hahaha XD

Shoutout to ShamRook, who asked for a sketch of our lovely Iza, from Azarian Stories! The bean looks so peaceful and cute on the outside <3 She is a strong mom who went through so much, but she still has it in her to trust and give humans a second chance <3

Shoutout to Lunar Estrella, who asked for a sketch of the one, the only, the mighty tree! It looks like he's been working out even more since the last time he lifted a lion rofl! I wonder what his new guinness world record is gonna be! xD

I loved working on these so much! So many feels in this month's batch! I am so hyped for the February poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Roux, Teliko,  CpatBlue Fire,  RWyvern, Danielle, Bella, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)




I have a tie between my favourite being the family reunion and little bby Mondo in flowers ❤️

The Fluffy Birdcat

Eeeeee! I want Safari for Christmas! He might just be a cheetah but I'd make him a king! Clean water, a cozy place to sleep, all the love and cuddles he deserves, and steak dinners every night! As for Chui, I guess his New Year's resolution was to "clean up his act." I guess you could say he's "all washed up." Alright I'll stop now.

Lunar Estrella

Omg yassssss I love this tree!


the sketch is really cool arven! but you've accidentally drawn the wrong character, i asked for jackal.


So beautiful ! &lt;3 Thank you I love it


Oh oof I'm so dumb, sorry about that DX I'll be sure to redraw the right character for next month, and of course you are welcome ro request your sketch on top of that as usual ^_^


I love how "swoll tree" has become a character in their own right LOL

Luke Wolf

Omggg darth chui is soo good haha!!