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Unfinished business.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




I wonder if the hunting party or Faida runs into Giza and baby Africa! 😃 Great work as usual Arven ❤️


Somebody be casually cosplaying Spider-Man over here on that rock. XD


Spider Cat Spider Cat Thinks he's cool But he's just a twat


Is he a jerk? Yes he is! But if you tell him that Then he will hiss Look out! Here comes the Spider-Cat!!

The Fluffy Birdcat

"Is he a jerk? Yes he is! But if you tell him that Then he will hiss" Iktomi has entered the chat. XD


If Chui betrays her by killing her cubs I'm gonna...I..I dunno. I think I'll just sit in a corner and cry myself to sleep

Rachael Jokerst

I have a bad feeling that’s where this is going….. I’ll meet you in the corners with the tissues and a couple stuffed animals. Think we’ll need them

Citrus Rind

tfw your oldest, leopard, son starts going down the wrong path. For real tho, poor Faida. Especially considering how things might turn out for her cubs.


oh i didnt notice chui there in the fifth panel the first time.