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New day, new ACEO card! I'm having so much fun with these :D

This was requested by the lovely Arild! It's Tiikeri :D Probably my favourite Zodiac Demon together with Kozel. It's always so great to be able to draw her!

I really felt like the scene needed a lot of green to balance the orange-red of her pelt, so I thought I'd draw her among some vegetation. :)

I really hope you like it!

And once again, thank you so much Arild, and everyone, for your gorgeous support! I'm flattered <3



Minna Mäkinen

This is so lovely :) One thing that has been bugging me is her name! It's the Finnish word for tiger. I tried searching for the info of the origin of her name but just couldn't find it. How did she end up with a Finnish name? :)


Hoho thank you! And that's right, I gave her a Finnish name :D Actually, all the Zodiac Demons have names from several languages, which are related to the animal they represent :D