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Yeahhh finally! After a full two weeks of studying, I'm finally getting back on track with Patreon rewards. No worries, they're all coming, including some long overdues from last month XD But anyway!

Shoutout to Arild, who requested a sketch of Bibi! I love drawing her, caracals are just so quirky and cute XD

Shoutout to Cpat, who asked for a sketch of King Sithnor of Tathara. I had a bit of trouble drawing this one XD I wanted to give the impression of a tall, slim and overly rich guy, but without making him look vain. Plus I love his bull terrier nose XD

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who had the brilliant idea of mixing Chakra with Pokemon! So here's C.Y. as Mightyena XD I gotta admit they kinda look similar. Those facial markings tho XD

Shoutout to Hunterwolf93, who asked for Led! And of course I'd draw him right next to C.Y., staring weirdly at her new look XD Stop it Led, you've already done enough damage as is, ahah XD

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to

Denis Trenque

for the support! As always, you're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards, for this and all the previous months, whenever you want! :)

Truly guys, thank you for putting up with me this month, even if there haven't been any rewards for like two weeks straight D8 I'm really grateful for your patience, and I'll make sure this doesn't repeat in the future :3




Merci pour Sithnor, il est magnifique. Et tu as déterminé quelle est sa personnalité ? Et vu que Tathara est la région la plus tolérante, il me semble peut probable qu’il soit peut amical envers les humains. Depuis combien de temps il est roi ? Il l’était déjà lors du génocide d’Izara ?


Hoho de rien! Et oui, je l'ai travaillé un peu. C'est un jeune roi assez calme, mais avec une profonde envie de changer la façon de penser de ses copains Azaras. Il est amical envers les humains, et il est capitain de l'une des flottes les plus puissantes d'Athar. Il n'était pas encore roi à l'époque du génocide d'Izara, mais il l'est devenu quelques années plus tard (AD 1005)