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Helloooo everyone and welcome to January's Sketch of The Month! :D

This month's winners were Tiger Bazooka, Pantera and Destiny, who asked, respectively, for Africa, Giza and Mosi playing in (or being blayed by, lol) the snow! A very wintery scene for a very wintery month! This was so wholesome to make haha :D

Here you can see the original sketch: https://www.patreon.com/posts/december-21-60332968

Thank you so much again for your support hhh!

I can't wait for February's Sketch of the Month!




whos throwing those snowballs at poor ol africa? lol also, that snowlep reminds me of the snowdogs in this christmas 101 dalmatians book i had as a kid. they look kinda similar just in style.

John Doe Studios

Awwwww the snow lepord has spots!!! How cuite


I bet Chui is throwing them, because it looks pretty brutal 😆