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Helloooo there, and welcome to the new Sketchdump for October! Here we go with this month's sketch collection! :D

Shoutout to Emma , who asked for a sketch of Africa chilling in a tree! It's so nice to see her so relaxed for once, enjoying a moment of peace ^_^

Shoutout to Fateless Knight, who asked for a sketch of the OG Dada, Safar's sister! This pretty girl definitely needs more love, I fell in love with her design haha :D

Shoutout to Raptorzs, who combined two sketch rewards to have Chui and Baba Bes have a staring contest! xD And while Bes seems quite unamused, Chui is taking this VERRRY seriously xD

Shoutout to Tiger Bazooka, who asked for an autumn-themed Africa! For some realon I loved the thought of her running across a field of fallen leaves, sending them flying as she goes ^_^ Being this carefree and happy is just what she misses :)

Shoutout to Lizua, who asked for a baby Giza with a big Jack-o-Lantern! Awww isn't she adorable!! I bet ya whatever you want that she's gonna go full spazz mode the second you approach her hahah XD

Shoutout to Timelapse11, who asked for a sketch of Chui as a werewolf... uh, were-leopard? xD Were-Chui! He's even more squarish and bulky than he normally is lol! But I bet ya he's got wayyy less brains in this form haha xD

Shoutout to Korri and Crescent Trinity, who asked for a sketch of baby Chui and Africa respectively, all dressed up for Halloween! :D Chui would make a wonderful vampire with that sleazy personality, and Africa would be a witch just so she could magic Chui away forever lol!

Shoutout to Stricksa , who asked for a sketch of Chui reenacting a famous song by Smash Mouth xD Our big loserpard is definitely looking kinda dumb isn't he xD

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for a sketch of Kuma as an emperor, discussing emperor matters with his royal assistant, Flama! :D Aw it's so nice to see them reunited once again :D

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for a sketch of grown-up Mondo singing in... wait for it... Mondo Rock! XD This was such an epic crossover hahah, and I suspect Mondo would make quite the good singer xD

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who asked for a sketch of anthro Led, donning a gorgeous samurai outfit! Now he looks noble and ready to rid the world of all evil! Zodiac Demons beware! XD

Shoutout to Shadow Hyder, who asked for a sketch of Razer from Azarian Stories, as an Azara, carving a very peculiar looking pumpkin... xD If you could call that carving lol! Better not distract her, let's back away slowly xD

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for good ol' Sahara, Giza's mom and Africa's grandmother :D Like OG Dada, here is another design I thoroughly love and don't get to draw very often, this mama is so pretty! :D

Shoutout to EffraSorbus, who aksed for a sketch of Bes, as a teenager lion this time! xD Our boy would absolutely be starting to lean on the chubby side, while also developing his *charming* personality xD

I loved working on these so much! So many feels in this month's batch! I am so hyped for the November poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Roux, Teliko,  CpatBlue Fire,  RWyvern, Danielle, Bella, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)




These are all so great! ^^ How do you request sketches, simply ask for one here?

Shadow Hyder

Goodness sakes alive, Raz XD