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Paa's brave move did not go unnoticed! :D

And now we're back with the faceoff against Chui, just like last time! https://www.deviantart.com/arven92/art/Africa-Page-173-823907990

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Whoa nice going paa, even without your second horn. But tbh I kinda love chui in that last panel lol.

Stephanie Titarenko

Whoa...never thought I'd see him pluck up the courage! Sadly his chances aren't great in a scuffle...unless he can somehow bluff his way out of this or his bravery inspires others to help, I think. Then again, he may surprise us! Also, as much as I usually sympathsize with a predator just trying to eat it's really hard to root for Chui here. Not when you know how much prey he has taken in such a short space of time...as I said before there is simply no way he can be hungry. If he isn't killing as part of some scheme he is doing it just for fun, because...it's not like he has a fridge or freezer to store all this excess meat. It would spoil before he could eat it all, or -- more likely -- other carnivores/scavengers would take care of it first.


I know this is from a few days ago, but it is a good possibility that Chui just enjoys killing, I remember watching a documentary about big cats, among which jaguars, and jaguars are known to kill for sport and even leave the carcass if they're not hungry, maybe Chui was a jaguar in another life :" D