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Both Africa and Saffy are exhausted... :C Time for Faida to tell a story.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Stephanie Titarenko

Even though he's against our protagonist, Bes cracks me up sometimes with how lazy he is. XD Now he doesn't feel like getting down, lol. Lions in general can be pretty lazy, especially when they aren't hunting, eating, or fighting off rivals. Everyone's so excited to see the flashback ( and I am too! ), but I can't help but wonder whether Africa is going to come clean to Faida about what Sabra did and why she had to kill her at any point. She started to confess only to realize she was too winded to deliver a full explanation and/or didn't feel like opening that can of worms right now . Either that or she decided Faida was better off not knowing...not sure just yet, but I get the impression she MAY fess up later.

Stephanie Titarenko

Also, it cut me off before I was done, but I have a strong hunch that Faida and company are blaming Chui for humans coming into the area more and either poaching or messing up the environment.