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Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well!! :D
I just wanted to write a short message to say a HUGE THANK YOU for bringing us to TWO HUNDRED PATRONS!!

The more I think about it the more flabbergasted I am! It's a lot, A LOT of people!! And I can't believe how incredibly supportive all of you are. THANK YOU! <3

Because I feel I don't say it often enough. You are amazing people and I don't deserve you. You go out of your way, above and beyond and your help truly means the world. Thank you, for this amazing goal, thank you for making it possible!

I am so excited for this and I will work tirelessly to bring you even more content! <3

And in that regard, celebrations for this special occasion are in order! This is such a big goal, so I want to do something big in return in order to give back for your incredible support!

I was thinking of a large illustration/scene featuring some characters from Chakra / Africa / Azarian Stories (even mixed up / crossover style! XD)! Feel free to suggest a scene/situation idea and which characters from my stories you'd like to see involved! :)

This is open to ALL PATRONS without exception! <3 Much like the Sketch of the Month segment, I'll then gather all the suggestions in a poll so that everyone can vote their favorite idea, and the winner will be turned into a full on illustration! Except this time it's gonna be a BIG one! :D

With the occasion, feel free to also suggest if you'd like another form of celebration as well (this is ON TOP OF the illustration I talked about before ^_^)! For example, a contest, stream, or another activity that we can all do together :)

Thank you so so much again, truly! I am forever grateful for what you are doing for me, and I'm so flattered that you decided to pledge and support what I do. I wouldn't be here without you. <3




I'd love to see young/teenage Binti having her first crush on like... a melanistic or albino leopard!!! I think that'd be super cute since she's a strawberry variant :) pretty leopards in love hehe