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Hellooo and welcome to the new Sketchdump for April! There were SO MANY awesome suggestions this month! xD

Shoutout to CrayonSoup, who asked for a sketch of good ol' Safari being the most adorable bean <3 It's always a joy to draw him ahhh!

Shoutout to Michael (Raptorzs), who asked for a sketch of Bibi as an anthro! This gal is as mischievous as ever, I wonder what other tricks she has up her sleeve!

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for Chui clothed as Percival Graves from the Fantastic Beasts movies! I don't know why, but he fits the part perfectly lol xD

Shoutout to Lizua, who asked for a sketch of baby Giza! The most adorable baby hhh, I couldn't resist and drew her with a little firefly on her nose <3

Shoutout to Tiger Bazooka, who asked for Africa in a mom situation xD Having to deal with two rambunctious kids can be quite the challenge and takes infinite patience haha! 

Shoutout to Stone, who asked for Chui as a dragon! I went for a majestic Chinese dragon for his design, there's one mighty looking spaghetti monster! xD

Shoutout to CrescentTrinity, who asked for one of our latest entries in the character roster, Mlinzi the guard dog! I honestly love drawing her, the design is simple but super fun to draw ^_^

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for the original Dada, Safari' s sister! She looks a lot like him actually, and they used to have a very close bond <3 Beautiful beans!

Shoutout to Myth, who asked for a sketch of anthro Giza, showing her wild side! It's awesome to see all the love Giza is getting right now, it's been so long since I last drew her ^_^

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for anthro Kozel at the beach! Summer is on its way, and it's good for her to prepare ahead of time! xD

Shoutout to littlecoyote, who asked for a sketch of good ol' C.Y. <3 I miss drawing my girl so much, I definitely want to make an artwork with all the Chakra Heroes together someday! :)

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who asked for Kozel as Rosie the Riveter, except a bit more metal xD Our tuff sheep is not about to take anyone's bull (ha)!

Shoutout to Tennisbutt, who asked for a sketch of lovely ol' Bibi! I love drawing her, she is always so jumpy and full of energy and wears her heart on her sleeve ^_^

Shoutout to Destiny, who asked for a sketch of baby bean Mosi <3 Out beautiful boi looks so happy here, ahhh I wish we could go back to this point in time where everything was easier for the cubs <3

I loved working on these so much! They were loads of fun lol! I am so hyped for the May poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Roux, Teliko, FellDeer,  Cpat, BeeTylerBlue Fire, Keran,  REDandYELLOWZ , Chet,  RWyvern, Walldryx, Danielle, Bella, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)



Syrus Coy

Noodle Dragon, or Evil Sheep... It will be hard to decide which gets my vote.

The Fluffy Birdcat

Dang I've been working so much I forgot to request mine. Here is it. Chui dressed as Micah Bell dual wielding a pair of pistols. These two are quite similar.