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FINALLY I am able to show this! 

This post should have happened ages ago. I'm so sorry for the delay with the printing of Chapter Three, I had hoped to be able to start delivering the comics by this time.

Unfortunately, as some of you may know from Discord, this year started off in the worst possible way - with me and my parents getting very sick, and my mom even ending up at the hospital because of it. She has been making a wonderful recovery and we are past the worst of it, but you can easily imagine this bogged me down a lot, both physically and mentally.

On that note, I wanted to say a huge thank you to the wonderful people over on Discord for being so incredibly supportive. Reading your comments during these awful two weeks put my heart at peace. <3

And, with my mom slowly getting better, I was finally able to complete the PDF to send to my typography and I've been in touch with them during this time for the last tweaks - and here it is!!

A first look behind the scenes at the latest color test for the printed comic of Africa!

The comic is currently being printed and this is the last checkup/test before the book is produced on a larger scale! 

The comic is obviously not bound or completely cut yet, this test is mainly to check the quality of the paper and colors.

The print quality is PHENOMENAL, I can't wrap my head around how good the colors are and the camera doesn't even begin to do it justice! I am so excited to bring this product to you at last!

I am currently scouring the samples for any eventual mistakes/printing errors, and with one last all-clear, the comics will finally be printed and ready for shipping!! :D

Once again sorry for the awful delay! And make sure to stay tuned for the unboxing of the final copies of the books, coming very shortly!

Thank you so much once again for your incredible support, I don't know where I'd be without you guys. <3


Africa - Printed Chapter Three First Peek - Color Test!

A first look behind the scene at the latest color test for the printed comic of Africa! The comic is currently being printed and this is the last checkup/test before the book is produced on a larger scale! The comic is obviously not bound or completely cut yet, this is mainly to check the quality of the paper and colors. The print quality is PHENOMENAL, I can't describe how good the colors are and the camera doesn't do it justice! I am so excited to bring this product to you at last!


Luke Wolf

I am so excited for this!!! Ahhhh!! These prints turned out gorgeous!!


I hope with all my heart that things will get much better for you and your parents! I fully understand this situation. It's very awful to live through. I support you and bon rétablissement ! ❤️🙏 I can't wait to receive and read this new Chapter of Africa ! :D

Jessica O'Brien

My gosh those colors look so gorgeous on camera!!! I can't wait to have mine in persob


That looks amazing! can't wait to get a copy :3

John Doe Studios


Bethany Clark

It looks sooooo good!!


Still glad to hear your mum is doing better. Also, the comic is looking great mate! Least we have these exciting times among the bad ones.


Health and family comes first. The test print looks amazing, love how vibrant the colors look like.


Glad to hear that you and your family are ok! I didn’t know about your troubles! I’m in no rush for my comic (simply because I know it’ll get here eventually and until then it’s all available for me to peruse on deviantart) and I hope that things continue to go well for you guys!

Lunar Estrella

I'm just so glad you guys are doing better Arven! :D You and your family have been on my heart and mind a lot these last couple of weeks!