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First Sketchdump of the year, and probably the biggest one yet!!

You guys have been wonderful with your support so far, and I'm extremely grateful. It's been a very challenging start of the year for me, and Patreon has been a bit of an escape route for me to find a bit of relief in. <3 Thank you for being there for me, I appreciate it greatly.

Also, you may want to stay tuned over the next couple of days... ;)

Shoutout to Lizua, KMC and Frankie, with this combined triple sketch of Tiikeri and Kobu displaying their new powers, and Ryu finally spending some quality time with his little bro! x3 (I'm sure it's gonna end wonderfully lol! XD) Can you guess what Kobura and Tiiker's new powers are? :D

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for a sketch of C.Y. as a deity like Amaterasu! I don't know why but this look fits her so well for some reason! x3

Shoutout to Sarie, who asked for a sketch of every cheetah character I've ever had hoho! x3 Let's start off with THE OG Cheetah boi, proudly boasting his status! xD

Shoutout to Nanochetha, who asked for adorable C.Y. and Led looking at the stars together <3 I get so many Lion King vibes from this, and it's so wholesome! x3

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, with their suggestion of Chui as Miles Edgeworth in an "Objection" pose! xD Why does this fit him so well? LOL!

Shoutout to Bethany, who asked for Chui as a lion! We just turned Chui into even more of a bully than he already was, lol! xD

Shoutout to Kuuda, who asked for sweet lady Faida! I love this character, she is definitely one of my favorite from Chapter Three! :)

Shoutout to Syrus and Lunar Estrella, who asked for Ushi the Bull Demon and Chui celebrating the Year of the Bull! :D Let's just say Ushi got the shorter end of the stick here, haha xD

Shoutout to Stone, who asked for Africa as a reptile of my choice! I went and turned her into a fast monitor lizard! They're such underrated scalies!

Shoutout to Stricksa, and Tiger Bazooka! Tiger asked for a sketch of Africa, and Stricksa asked for Paa getting his horn glued back together by Africa herself xD So I thought of combining the two into this fun little scene lol! Poor Paa! xD

Shoutout to PatiLee, who asked for a sketch of Jackal as an angel, complete with halo and wings! Isn't he the prettiest, most adorable thing? uwu

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for C.Y. as Doom Slayer! She looks so badass with heavy armor on, doesn't she! :D

Shoutout to CrystalFossil, who asked for a sketch of Nijibi! Probably one of my favorite designs from the final chapter, it's such a pleasure to draw her again ^_^

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for Chui being chased by a giant butterfly! Heck yeah, some retribution for my girl Nadira! Run Chui Runnnnn!!

Shoutout to Luke Wolf, who asked for Chui in the Wolverine pose, complete with extra long claws! He would be straight-up invincible as Wolverine lol!

Shoutout to Michael (Raptorzs) and  who asked for a snow version of Baba Bes! So remember how chonky Bes was as a regular lion? Yeahhhh the chonk levels are off the charts here! XD

Oh snap there were so many of these! I am so hyped for the February poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Roux, Teliko, FellDeer,  Cpat, BeeTylerBlue Fire, Keran,  REDandYELLOWZ , Chet,  RWyvern, Walldryx, Danielle, Bella, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)



The Fluffy Birdcat

Poor Paa. Doesn't look like he's too happy with the job Africa did reattaching his horn. :D