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Well hello there, look who's here with a surprise Christmas post! :D

I wanted to post this much sooner, but y'know, holiday stuff with family happened xD I got to my pc as soon as I could! Also, in the spirit of Christmas (and because there's LOADS of glourious entries lol), I decided to make this post public, for everyone to see! :D

Anddd, here we go!

Shoutout to Myth, who asked for a sketch of grumpy Chui wearing a Christmas hat xD The man is really into the holiday spirit isn't he XD

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for Giza's first reaction to the snow! And like every cat, big or small, it probably wouldn't be a good one XD No worries, I'm sure she will... warm up to it eventually xDD

Shoutout to Michael (Raptorzs) and Frankie, who asked for a snow cat and a snowy Giza respectively! So I turned Michael's request into baby Africa using her mom as a snow slide hahaha xD I'm sure she's thrilled by that xD

Shoutout to Stone, who asked for one more Zoid-styled character! This time, Oniken! He was fun to make, I made his body hollow to imply that he's somewhat incorporeal beneath all the machinery :D

Shoutout to Aiden Highope, who asked for Chui plotting evilly! xD He's probably thinking about the best way to steal Christmas hmmmm!

Shoutout to Stricksa, who asked for a sketch of Binti on a giant strawberry, honoring the name of her fur color :D And they're equally sweet too! ^_^

Now for a three-way sketch! Shoutout to Syrus, Stephanie and TheSheInShenanigans who brought this fun scene to life! Santa Bes going about his business delivering onions to well behaved children. His two reindeer don't look too thrilled lol xD

Shoutout to Korri, who asked for a fun sketch of Mosi interacting with a Christmas tree xD You know cats! All the shiny things! Must attack!

Shoutout to Luke Wolf, who asked for Mosi all tangled up in Christmas ribbons xD This seemed like the perfect follow-up to Korri's sketch, so I made the ribbons in the Christmas tree extra wild lol!

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for sweet baby Binti receiving a Nintendo Switch (or was it Swap?) for Christmas, complete with Animal Crossing! Best game ever hhhh!

Shoutout to BearFlipsTable, who asked for Kobura as a Quidditch seeker! Sweet boi would most likely be a Hufflepuff! :D

Shoutout to Boldscheck, who asked for a sketch of Giza too! After freezing her fur off in the snow, she definitely deserves a nice, warm place to rest and snuggle ^_^

And shoutout to Stricksa again (second slide!), here is their sketch from a couple months back which I forgot to include in the last sketchdump! Here is Chui displaying his unfathomable power on poor Abasi over there lol!

Hoho I can't wait for the January poll, these sketches were hilarious!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Roux, Teliko, FellDeer,  Cpat, BeeTylerBlue Fire, Keran,  REDandYELLOWZ , Chet,  RWyvern, Walldryx, Danielle, Bella, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)

Merry, merry Christmas to every single one of you who supports what I do! Every time, I am absolutely blown away by what you do for me and consider myself beyond blessed! Thank you, truly for everything you do!




Yes ofc a fellow hufflepuff 😩 so many good sketches 😩 merry Christmas arven!


Oh my goodness I love the Giza meeting snow one xD

Stephanie Titarenko

Whoaa...it's AWESOME! And so hilarious! XD I love everyone here, especially Bes and his expression, lol. And thank you so much!!!! :D


Merry Christmas Arven, hope you have a great day :3

Syrus Coy

Bes is the most successful Lion. All he needs is a litter of kids and he won the game of life.

Walldryx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-25 11:42:51 Hahaha, they are sooooo cute! <3 The Chui evilly makes me laugh xD Machiavélique! 😈 And the baby Binti <3 And I'm agree for Animal Crossing, haha! ~
2020-12-28 06:40:03 Hahaha, they are sooooo cute! <3 The Chui evilly makes me laugh xD Machiavélique! 😈 And the baby Binti <3 And I'm agree for Animal Crossing, haha! ~

Hahaha, they are sooooo cute! <3 The Chui evilly makes me laugh xD Machiavélique! 😈 And the baby Binti <3 And I'm agree for Animal Crossing, haha! ~