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And here we go again with the second set of poses for this month!

I'm having a blast with these!

This was requested by Cpat, who asked for poses related to the mating behaviors of my creatures, the Azaras.

Now, this was of corse a delicate subject, and yes, it does involve an actual mating pose. I represented to without any intention of it being pornographic or improper/suggestive, as that was not my aim. Nay, I was specifically requested that all the poses be "clean". I don't do NSFW, but I have nothing against representing a natural behavior.

So, back to our poses, this is the broken down process for mating between Azaras: 

1) It's not rare for unmarried males to fight for a potential mate. The fights have a practical meaning as well as a ritual one. While most confrontations end rather quickly and don't result in serious injuries, some males are willing to fight to the death for the perfect mate. Similar fights erupt between females as well, especially between wives within a family, to establish dominance.

2) The fight consists of blocking the opponent's front limbs and delivering a bite to the snout. The first contendant who successfully bites the other's muzzle is considered the winner, and the defeated is spurred to surrender. For this reason, males with many facial scars, especially on the muzzle area, are considered less attractive by females, and have a harder time finding a mate.

3) Physical contact is crucial between couples, especially during heat. It's a time during which male and female become very "cuddly" toward eachother. Bypassing this step is percieved as being "too direct", or even as a form of assault, and the partner may be rejected. Laying hands on the shoulders is a clear invitation to mating.

4) If the courting is done wrong, or if the partner is not ready, rejection results. The partner will crouch in a defensive stance and show aggression. This is more common among females, but rejection can happen in both sexes.

5) If the courting is successful, mating ensues. The couple usually isolate themselves to be in tranquility, and spend time together for as long as the female is receptive (usually one week).

6) Pregnancy is an extremely delicate period in females' lives, especially if it's their first. They avoid crowded or noisy places and react warily toward strangers. By the end, they tend to withdraw themselves and become aggressive toward any unwanted visitor, usually only accepting their mate and/or close relative(s). Gestation lasts seven months.

7) Females feel very vulnerable during childbirth, and they tend to become anxious. If untreated or not helped, the mothers-to-be have a higher chance of dying while giving birth. The mortality is rather high among newborn pups as well. Up to four pups can be born with each pregnancy.

8) Because of their initial vulnerability, mothers are very protective of their pups. They never let them out of the house during their first days of life, and are very watchful as they introduce them to the rest of the family, or, later on, to the community.

I tried to make the poses interesting and dynamic so they can be reused in multiple contexts and situations. 

These poses are specific for Azaras, but the anatomies can be easily adapted to most anthropomorphic/humanoid creatures, so feel free to use them as you see fit! All I ask is that you give credit to me as the original artist, and if you can, maybe slip in a link to my Patreon too, I'd appreciate that ;)

I attached the original full size .png file as well as the .psd photoshop files, which contains all the poses, each on a separate layer.

**This content can be viewed by Patrons $2.00 and up, but only Patrons who pledge $10.00 a month get to request what the next pose reference sheet will be about! :D

Other poses:

Cat fighting poses: patreon.com/posts/feline-fighting..

Azara + Azaroth Warriors: https://www.patreon.com/posts/418..

Azara/Anthro Action poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/4392304

Canine hunting poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/442.. 

Anthro/Human Bowing poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/4851171

Werewolf poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5089844

Wolf howling lines: https://www.patreon.com/posts/6143630

Wolf aging lines: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-lineart-6599335

Wolf rotation lines: https://www.patreon.com/posts/september-set-6864102

Wolf snarling lines: 

Goofy Canines and Felines:

 Wolf puppy lines: https://www.patreon.com/posts/7580832
Wolves in armor: https://www.patreon.com/posts/7871294

Snarling felines: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8258588

Canine action poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8590391

Canine body language: https://www.patreon.com/posts/11311391

Feline body language: https://www.patreon.com/posts/12091289

Canine paws: https://www.patreon.com/posts/13189777

Canine hairdos: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14315428

More canine action poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14763715

 Canine expressions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15148638 

 Piggyback ride poses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/nov-17-set-rides-15550430  





and yet in the modern days [if anthro werekin where around ] . that kinda of behavior would be unheard of almost . why true some may stick too there heritage with the courtship ceremony [there version of Engagement] In some of the multiverses i have thought of.[ some crossing into charka land lol ] human and werekin weddings are almost the same. also come with the price tag to boot too. also pills too deal with the time of the month /year. along with modern contraceptives and morning after pills. to deal with the well "" <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xat1GVnl8-k" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xat1GVnl8-k</a> """ ya get the picture ". but back on topic.. to say the least the werekin teens be acting like there human counter parts.. too young wild.. rebellious. adventurous. and yes be making mistakes. heck in one of my short story ideas i was gonna have Peterson mention too heilo too stay away from the Redlight District of saintluna giving obvious reasons. . say if you where pharmacist. ya could expect too see large amount of contraceptives sales or [and i seen this at my work when i was a cashier] that nervous shy lady who buys 2 or 3 pregnancy kits.


C’est absolument superbe. Merci Arven ;) « For this reason, males with many facial scars, especially on the muzzle area, are considered less attractive by females » Et est-ce que cela peut impacter son statut social, et éventuellement empêcher un mâle, pourtant très compétent, de devenir roi (ou autre poste à responsabilité ?) Et si un mâle présente des cicatrices faciales, mais qui sont à l’évidence des blessures de guerre (et non pas des blessures de combats rituels), cela peut être différent ? Je pose ces questions je m’imagine bien Nirjeth (ou un autre roi ou reine bien badass) avoir une belle cicatrice de guerre sur son visage, voire être borgne (même si ça fait un peut cliché). Et on pourrait imaginer que c’est à cause d’un humain qu’il a eu cette blessure. Tu n’a pas représentée l’accouchement (il y a déjà tellement de dessins XD), mais je suppose que cela ne doit pas être très différent de l’homme.


Mais de rien! « Et est-ce que cela peut impacter son statut social, et éventuellement empêcher un mâle, pourtant très compétent, de devenir roi (ou autre poste à responsabilité ?)» Non. Normalement, cela n'impacte que la vie amoureuse. « Et si un mâle présente des cicatrices faciales, mais qui sont à l’évidence des blessures de guerre (et non pas des blessures de combats rituels), cela peut être différent ?» Oui, c'est bien différent! XD Les cicatrices venant des combats rituels pour une femelle sont visiblement originées par des morsures. Les blessures de bataille, m^me contre les humains, sont assez différentes XD Et c'est ça, Nirjeth a effectivement des cicatrices de guerre sur son visage. « Tu n’a pas représentée l’accouchement (il y a déjà tellement de dessins XD), mais je suppose que cela ne doit pas être très différent de l’homme.» Pardon pour ça. En plus, je ne trouvais pas un moyen pour le rendre "clean" sans montrer ce qui se passait. Mais c'est ça, l'accouchement est très pareil de celui des humains.