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You guys were absolutely AMAZING this month <3 Thank you a ton for your gorgeous support! 

And on my side, I'm the one to apologize for my recent lack of activity. I'll have an exam soon at university, and that slowed my production down a little.

But as soon as that's gone, I'll immediately restart my schedule and I'll finish working on all of my owed art! 

This is for Wolfen Blazer, one of the two people who started supporting me in January, which I'm extremely grateful for!

Peterson is looking mighty here, isn't he!

I hope you enjoy!

Peterson (c) Wolfen Blazer

Art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




so coooooool! can't wait for mine! <3


Ohoho it's coming right up <3 (sorry for making you wait ;_; )