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It's butt-kicking time! And these three do it right!

I was recently testing some new watercolour techniques I learned. I had three different painting methods I wanted to test, so I needed three things to colour. Then I looked at my "Powerfluff Girls" picture I did the other day and I said hey, let's draw these three.

This painting was done on a pencil lineart, but with no actual borders, so forgive the wonkiness of my lines XD I still can't prevent my hand from shaking while I hold a brush. Buut anyway, as I said, I attempted three techniques here:

-the black and tan guy in front was painted using almost exclusively wet-on-wet technique

-the dilute calico gal in the middle was mainly wet-on-dry, but with many layers

-the cream piebald mister in the back was a mix of both, and with a layer of glazing on top.

I think I like cream piebald mister the most. What do you think? :D

Schmincke watercolours on 300gsm watercolour paper

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




Oh mon dieu. Bon là le crois que c’est plus la peine de courir, je suis foutu ! XD Quoique, l’un d’eux a un fouet, peut être qu’ils vont pas me tuer après tout, juste me capturer (et me faire esclave :( ) Mais c’est magnifique, et les poses sont superbes ;). Je suis fan du noir & feu au premier plan (même si c’est lui qui va me tomber dessus en premier).


So these are the Azarian Empires Chosen Champions "" ^_^ .... ill say i am impressed with the artwork. but at last.. if these 3 are my challengers.. only one thing to do <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAwOYBUv5eA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAwOYBUv5eA</a> " Throws in Peterson. Cuma [kuma's roman name ^_^ ] AND human principes veteran Marcus pullo. ^_^. ""BATTLE START


Mouhaha je crois que oui XD Et esperons que non, ça va pas etre joli D: Hoho merci^^ Moi aussi j'aime bien le noir et feu (j'ai un faible pour les noirs et feu <3)