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Hi everyone! This is my first post as a content creator on Patreon.

I'm a self taught traditional comic artist from Italy.

I've been drawing ever since I have memories. The oldest scribble I'm aware of is as early as age two.

I've been thoroughly fascinated by nature and animals since my early years, but

I've never had a pet of my own, so I made one up: my very first character was this wolf-dog mix called Lucky.

You can easily imagine how original and fabulous he was, but even with all his defects, he accompanied me throughout my youngest years, during which I started expanding my horizons by watching anime, cartoons and animated movies.

My love for comics came a while later, and in a way that I'm sometimes a little ashamed to tell^^;

But it was exactly thanks to my love for comic that I discovered and joined Deviantart in January 2008.

At that moment, I felt like everything had ever wanted had suddenly come true: a place where I could share my creativity and my passions with people from all over

the world.

I've always been a bit of a lone wolf in real life, and the few "real" friends I have aren't all that interested in my work as a comic artist, let alone in "childish" arguments like video games or cartoons. So you can guess it's really hard for me to have a conversation on this kind of subjects.

Perhaps it was exactly this need I felt to simply confront myself with people who shared my interests that made me want to join DeviantART in the first place.

A lot of people are judgmental over someone who works as a comic artist. The typical suggestion they can dish out is to tell me to "grow up", or to "get a *real* job".

Well, this is one of the reasons that made me decide to join Patreon, among all others.

To prove this kind of people wrong! To convince everyone (including myself!) that making comics is as "real" a job as any other one. That the people behind the screen are real people, not simple flashing icons. That the support I receive is exactly what makes me do what I can do best, and what I most love doing.

So then, wish me luck!

And if you decide to tag along, you shall be blessed with an endless cascade of tasty artsy treats from me!




Furia and Mimma

Buona fortuna, allora! Cavoli, questo è anche il più figo "poster" di Patreon che abbia mai visto... forse devo fare qualcosa di simile.


Grazie mille! Mi sono divertita molto a fare questo disegno :D Perché no! Potrebbe essere un buon metodo per attrarre nuovi patron sulla tua pagina :)