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Ready for a blast from the past? :D

Here's a study of my most recently introduced character in Chakra - Ajna's ultimate form, Nijibi.

I've had this character in mind for the longest time, the first sketch of her I could find was from all the way back in 2008 when the comic first started. Originally known as "Rainbow Ajna", I gave her the name Nijibi only recently as a homage to her initial name ("Nijibi" meaning "Rainbow tails" in Japanese).

I've always envisioned her with some sort of ribbon wrapped around her, and only in more recent designs have I considered having her tails turn into ribbons when she needs them to.

She also started out with a single tail, then moved over to seven. The beads were first floating around her like on Ajna's original form, then they became a string, and finally, a necklace of six with the seventh resting on her forehead representing the highest chakra of the body, the Crown chakra (Sahasrara, which is actually Led's chakra in the story).

She is such a nostalgic character for me and I wish we could have seen more of her in the story, but I always knew she would only be there for a very short time for the final battle.

I hope these few sketches are interesting and fun to look back to! Sorry for the quality of some of them, my art skills were what they were back then and the paper got a bit tattered over the years :)



Bethany Clark

Oh! Very nice to see how she transformed through the years. 😁


They're all lovely!