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 July's sketchdump is heeeere!!

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for a sketch of scruffy boi Ravath, who is up to no good as usual! The pesky scamp, what's he got in store this time? Panthera also requested a sketch of one of Africa's earlier siblings as a cub. I went and depicted Namibia, who was the fluffier of all the cubs. I loved drawing her lil ear tufts <3

Shoutout to  Stone, who requested a sketch of old lady Nadira! I'm always in love with this frail yet strong character, I can't wait to draw her in the comic again!

Shoutout to Bee, who asked for a sketch of cute lil Kobura! This precious child must be protected at all costs!

Shoutout to Michael, who asked for a sketch of... can you guess who? That's none other than old man Safari... as a cub! Eeee, cheetah cubs are the absolute cutest, their mohawk is super adorable! 

Shoutout to KMC, who, after asking for Cheetah, but as a literal cheetah, asked for Orca... as an orca! This has got to be one of my favorite sketches lol, look at that face XD

Shouout to Tyler, who asked for a sketch of a battle of the ages! Juunibi vs C.Y., which is literally seconds from happening in the comic! Bruh I'm so pumped!

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for Hielo as a pizza chef! Snap now I'm hungry for pizza, that's not fair XD

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to Toni, Skailla,  AywenSix, Roux, Teliko, FellDeer, Siegmar, LittleCoyote, Cpat, JaidenBlue Fire  and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)  



Bethany Clark

Hi Arven! For August sketch, I would like a confident Faida, laughing.