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One major difficulty of this comic is that the animal characters don't cry (at least not in the way humans are used to). This makes it much more challenging to convey stronger emotions, such as this scene.<3 Poor Mosi!

Full size blank and rough files attached! C:

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




Oh wow called it!! But she ain’t going to get her mind right.. she’s going back..? Poor girl. Rest first then challenge.. eeee be careful Africa. Amazing work Arven. I love all the facial expressions here. Poor Mosi..


So true, Africa just isn't thinking straight right now D: Be careful girl! Hhh thank you so much Michael! Also thank you TONS for your purchase on Etsy ahhh! It's so amazing that you keep supporting me there as well, and that you like my merch! All the goodies are coming your way, I can't wait for you to receive them :) Thank you tons again!!