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Hello everyone, Arven here!

It's been a while since my last update, and I'm really ashamed to have gone so long without getting in touch.

This past year has been pretty rough and very energy-draining for me. There have been some wonderful news, such as getting accepted into Lucca Comics later this year, and some bad news, among which an unfortunate medical situation in my family.

It's quite painful for me to openly talk about this last bit. Just know that your support is actively helping us deal with a very important matter. For this reason, I'd like to thank every single one of you. <3

As a matter of fact, thank you TONS for your insane support throughout these months. We managed to reach the $700 milestone, and I'm beyond ecstatic. I never thought we could make it this far.


You know what this means! New monthly mini comics are coming. They are long overdue and I haven't forgotten about them, in fact they've been in the works for a while now! They were delayed for way too long and I've never stopped feeling guilty about it. No more!

Moreover, because we also hit the $650 milestone in the process, which unlocks tutorials, I have been working on a new set of rewards which will become available starting next month!

The Rewards!

Among the new rewards, which will of course include tutorials, you will also find image/video walkthroughs, redlines, ability to suggest new rewards, as well as brand new segments, such as "Ask my characters"!

However, what I'm really excited about is the introduction of a new Discord server!

I'm currently working on this as we speak. The server will be exclusive to Patrons, and I'm hoping to turn it into a small friendly community for us to chat, share art and have fun together!

I feel very ashamed for not being able to answer to everyone and I get the feeling I don't communicate enough with you guys, and I feel so bad about it. I am hoping that this solution will help solve this problem, as well as provide a more direct relationship with you guys!

How it's going to work

For current Patrons, the brand new rewards will be added to the existing tiers and will launch starting next month. If you are currently a Patron of any tier, no action is required of you! The new rewards will simply be added on top of your current ones, and you can enjoy all of them without losing anything! This is my thank you to you amazing people who have been sticking with me for so long, and are currently helping me through some really dire times.

For new potential Patrons, I will introduce new tiers to join. Because the new and old tiers tend to overlap here and there, some of the current tiers that you see displayed on my page, will be hidden from view, so that the new supporters are only able to pledge to the new tiers, but not the old (current) ones. 

Again, no action is required of you, as the tiers are simply hidden from view, not deleted. Your pledge will still be active and you don't lose any of your current benefits or rewards (in fact you gain more, as the new ones are added!). This is simply to clarify in case you wonder why my Patreon page ends up looking different (as I'm also hoping to update the look!).

With that said, I am truly looking forward to introducing the new rewards, and I'd like to thank you once again for the amazing support! It means a lot to me!

Have a great day!



Maxwell Fury

Great news and nice idea for the server! I'm eager to join it.


Thanks so much! I'm happy you're excited, I'm going to try my best to be more active on Discord

Zachary J. Dom

No need to feel guilty Arven! You’ve been working hard to pump out quality content nonstop! It’s understandable that it’s hard to make time for a status update. That being said, I look forward to this discord server!