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Sabra has some fair points, but boy does she have a sharp tongue. Wonder why she's so harsh.

Full size blank and rough files attached! C:

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




That's pretty unfair Sabra. Even if you've been living this unnatural lifestyle it doesn't mean that Chui ISN'T far larger and more formidable than Africa is. She has far more to lose in this to go back and try to fight him one on one. It's easy for you to judge when you don't have to deal with a situation like this.


Africa's incapability to listen others (including her own cubs) will end up being her downfall, me feels. Funny, seeing how she is willing to listen to Chui who tricked her and Sarba who is mocking her, only making things even harder. Perhaps her problem is that she can't listen to the RIGHT people?