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Sabra the serval!

Remember her? We first met her in chapter two, when Africa kicked her out of her territory.

You can't blame her for being pissed XD

Full size blank and rough files attached! C:

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




Honestly shocked we'd ever see Sabra again! I wonder how her cubs are. Kinda sad she was kicked out and had to wander all this way on her own and pregnant, she could have been hurt, or worse killed. I'm also glad Africa got called out for chasing her out, it was pretty mean of her since servals and leopards don't even compete for the same food and as far as I know servals don't threaten leopard cubs either. I'm glad Africa realizes she was a bit harsh and apologized to her.

Melody Williamson

Wait who's sabra? Is she the serval from earlier during the contest?


No that was Bibi, a caracal. Sabra was a serval from even earlier in the story that Africa pounced on thinking she was Chui in a bush. She chased her out.


I have to wonder if sabra is still pregnant or if she had her cubs already... technically Africa would have done the killing in the real world. Leopards hunt everything without mercy... I had to backtrack myself to chapter 2 to see there first encounter again too. Very interesting. 🧐