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Snap this is super late. So late in fact, that I decided to join the sketches for October with the ones for November, and I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience :(

But anyway!

Shoutout to Michael, who asked for a sketch of Chui, and Africa! We haven't seen these two together for a while, but don't worry, they still hate each other more than ever!

Shoutout to Pantera, who asked for a sketches of two cubs: Binti, being her adorable self, and Giza... also being her adorable self! XD I love how alike these two look! x3

Shoutout to Sarnor, who asked for a sketch of an older, more mature Giza. I chose to place her next to her younger self, almost as if to highlight the contrast between the two :)

Shoutout to Cpat, who asked for a sketch of zombie Zaruth, a character from my Azarian Stories! I don't know whether Zaruth is more terrifying dead, or alive! XD

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for Santa Jackal delivering early Christmas gifts, as well as drunk Orca, who is probably trying to keep warm during winter. Yeah.

 And last but not least,  a big shoutout to Danielle, Skailla, Yukiko-Chan,  Timelapse11,  AywenSix, Roux, Pip, Bethany, Teliko, Bee, FellDeer, and Denis Trenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)      



Zachary J. Dom

Zombie Zaruth: Only slightly more likely to devour your flesh than living Zaruth.


Awww, thanks, they are great. <3 And come to think of that Binti indeed shares a lot of features with her grandmother. Never thougth about that. And who knows, maybe Giza was also such a carefree creature once, unaware how brutal the world can be?...