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Here we go! April sketches!

Shoutout to Sarnor, who asked for a sketch of adorable lil' Tiikeri! Boy do I love her fluffy design! 

Shoutout to Pati, who asked for Zec, wearing a cute little Easter-themed bunny suit. It took a lot to convince her to wear it, and in the end I bargained my food supplies, my drawing tablet, and a kidney, to achieve it.

Shoutout to Casey, who asked for a sketch of chipper Motyl! It's been a while since we last saw her so carefree, hasn't it ;_;

Shoutout to Syrus and Michael, who asked for His Highness Lord Meatloaf Bes and one of his lionesses, respectively. I drew Neith here because she's such a cute grump. I guess she was expecting him to do something other than bask in the sun all day. Tough luck!

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, who asked for a sketch of C.Y. wearing a luxurious elven armor. Our girl sure looks nimble with that bow!

Shoutout to Cpat, who asked for a sketch of Rothwer, all grown up. Hey look, the man actually looks decent for once in his life! Although no less cranky.

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to Skailla, Arild, Yukiko-Chan, Armykittens and  Denis Trenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)   




Rooooock on


I say the bargain was totally worth it!