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More Cintiq practice!

This is a concept art/work in progress for an illustration I'm planning.

I really wanted to work on a piece that involved perspective, to see how that could be handled in Photoshop.

I imagined a scene with an Azaroth overlooking an Azarian settlement/city. Strangely, I imagined the city to be built within the large bridge in the background, and this Azaroth is one of the many "guardians" patrolling it.

I've always wanted to depict Azarian cities as odd and wild-looking, and more in contact with nature than human cities could ever be. Both Azaras and Azaroth are comfortable tree-dwellers and overall fare really well living high up on elevated perches or trees. That's where the idea of a city built entirely on a bridge started to pop XD

Sorry for the monologue -I hope you like this!




I love your Azarian series, looking forward to the finished work!👍