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Late as always, sorry! D:

All the rewards are on their way I promise :D

Shoutout to Arild, who asked for evil pupper Jackal! Daww stop it Jack, no one will take you seriously with those puppy eyes of yours x3 

Shoutout to KMCStudio, who asked for a sketch of human C.Y.! I've always imagined C.Y. to be kind of chubby, and with an awkward kind of stance and mismatched clothes XD

 Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, he asked to see Jackal as a character from Kingdom Hearts, wielding a mighty keyblade! I gave him clothes reminiscent of Sora's, and he actually looks like a hero for once XD

Shoutout to Cpat, who asked to see the evilest characters, Jackal, Chui and Razer as an abominable Cerberus XD I was going to make this beast all badass and powerful, but then I realized that Chui and Jackal would simply never get along XD (Also, I've updated the previous sketchdump in which I attached the sketches on a white background :D)

Shoutout to DiamondDog, who asked for a sketch of C.Y.! Just being her usual, energetic self! Wow, lots of C.Y. and Jackal in this one, hahah! I always love drawing these two :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to Skailla, Alex, and  Denis Trenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :) 

Thank you so much for your support as always!! 




a young teen Jackal Saving the DAY ^_^ wonder what the charka gang would say if they met jackal of the Kingdom Hearts realm ^_^ what would that world be called Lol. "charka world. the Infinity lands ? what would the Charka an zodiac's outfits would look like. could that 1000 wolf army be a Bunch of Heartless in disguse ?? who knows. ^_^

Alex Gunn

I like wolfenblazers KH thing. Could I have a sketch of led if he was a heartless from KH? :)