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At last!! 

I'm really sorry for disappearing this month. Unfortunately things at work are only getting worse, although with some luck, it might change in September. In the meantime, I was actually able to purchase a Cintiq!

I want to thank you guys SO much, because it's thanks to Patreon that I could afford it, and I never would have thought this would be possible. You guys are amazing! :D

Here's the first digital piece uploaded to Patreon!

Shoutout to Arild, who asked for a lil baby Kuma! I can't help but fall in love with those adorable eyes! I love that big furball, even when it's so smol C:

Shoutout to Cpat, who asked to see Ryu as an Izaran combat trainer from my Azarian Stories. He sure looks much fiercer now than he does normally, doesn't he XD

Shoutout to Wolfen Blazer, he asked for a sketch of Led as an adult, fully equipped in combat gear. You go kick some monster arse, you colourful boy :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to Skailla, Alex, KMCStudio and  Denis Trenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :) 

Thank you so much for your support as always!! 

Attachment contains sketches on a white background :)




J’espère vraiment que ta situation professionnelle vas s’arranger. Courage ! Pour en revenir aux dessins. Waouh, j’aimerais vraiment pas avoir un coach comme cette version de Ryu. Il est vraiment badas (Nazur regarde, ton instructeur militaire adoré XD) J’aime bien aussi Led en militaire « Here's the first digital piece uploaded to Patreon! » Pour tes débuts en numérique (avec également « The Missing Link »), c’est vraiment très bien. Seul petit truc : je préfère que le fond soir blanc plutôt que gris. Ah et oui, le mois dernier aussi, j’ai adoré Urashima. :)