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Here it isssss!

Sorry for the lateness with this page, as you can imagine it took quite a while to make.

Full size file attached C:

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili




Wow! 8O This page is so effective! The pink water appears magical and surreal, given how very real and natural the colors have been up til now, and compared to the area around it. The desaturated lighting in the area really brings out that stark difference as well, making the lake seem entirely seperate from the surrounding area, which could have been really jarring to the reader, but works really well here! 8'D I do have to give a bit of critique, though, for something that has really been bothering me. For the last several pages, it looks like there have been digital effects layered on top of the traditional image. In some cases, this is necessary or helps to convey an idea (like the recent Chakra page, where C.Y. is internally agonizing over what she could have done differently to help Kuma). BUT. In these recent Africa pages, it's really bothered me, because the digital blurring distracts the original image and detracts from the impact of the page. I considered bringing it up before, but I understood the reasoning and wondered if maybe it was actually a traditional effect and I was being a bad person for thinking critically of it, lol. Because in the case of the heat waves, the effect makes sense and emphasizes the intensity of the situation nicely. But on this page, its really evident and distracting. :c I FEEL BAD, but I figured you would want some honest feedback. I imagine it's just like trying out any new technique, but in this page's case, it ruins the effectiveness a bit, I think. Sorry. D8


Flamingos, i kinda guessed it would be Flamingos!