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Hello there, and welcome back to Ask My Characters! Here is May's entry!

This month's question was asked by kind Patron Kelci929, who asked Mondo how he feels about Africa in light of recent events. Our poor boi is so disoriented and scared ;; Will he be able to see Africa as his mother again? Only time will tell!

I hope that you like this! :D



Melody Williamson

I'm glad we are getting some positives for Sabras character. I think people are way too one sided against her when I believe the narrative wants it to be a more grey area. Killing Africa's babies for revenge is evil by human standards but it also makes 2 less predators for Mondo. If she had just killed the cubs for that reason and not revenge would it make it ok? Also if we are judging on human standards Africa basically punched a pregnant woman in the stomach without warning for being on her front lawn causing a miscarriage. So I don't think Africa gets off Scot-free in that scenario either. I think Africa is in a weird place where she's getting...domesticated? Anthropomorphised? More than the other characters due to her time with Faida, and as such her own morals are shifting. But it's not fair to hold all the other animals to that standard. I've also noticed the community sees the lions as more like loveable idiots than the things that actually killed Africa's cubs (also for revenge, they thought Chui was the dad) like look at the endless fanart and sponsored sketches of Bes being a goofy fat guy.


Aww, nooo...