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The talk <3 Also yes I changed the last panel, I didn't think the original one was as strong and really wanted to show Africa's mama side again <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Aww too sweet. I wonder if Mondo will end up saying something.


Is Bibi going to have to watch Mondo while Africa and Mosi figure out if they can even be safe together?


Talk: the bridge built between emotional barriers... or something like that.


I'm absolutely LOVING the reunion between Africa and Mosi so far! I'm also really enjoying seeing how Mondo is reacting to the conversation, how he's considering what Mosi is saying. What I'm personally getting out of this page in particular, though, is the answer in how the animals have been fighting their base instincts and moving past them, and why Mosi seems to have been unable to do so until now: talking about them, and actively thinking about them. Especially with the way Mosi seemed surprised with even the suggestion of talking it out. I'm probably wrong but I'm theorizing Africa and every other animal who's shown to actively go against their nature is doing so because they're putting effort into thinking about it; the instinct remains, they've just been able to sit on it and consciously go "I feel the urge, but I won't give into it". Speaking about it and using their words more than their teeth seems to help move that along, since there's a community of sorts. Possibly the biggest advantage Africa gained by being with Faida and her ragtag pack. Africa probably had the (or at least it looks like it) easiest time overcoming her instincts because she had Nadira as a child constantly and kindly challenging her mind on the matter. Sure you have instincts, but WHY must you follow them all the time? What's stopping you from molding yourself into something more than just said instinct? Her following interactions with Faida, Mondo, Safari, her own mother in the end, and even Chui have all forced her into questioning exactly that, and has brought her to a point where we see now. Mosi never really gained that exposure. Pair that with his youth and how drastically his life has changed within such a short amount of time, and basically being alone outside of Bibi, and that could explain why he seems to have such a hard time with his instinct (or perceived instinct) in comparison to everyone else. And if that's the case, what I like about that angle is that it takes the concept of what separate feral animals from humans (the ability to reason and introspection) and applies it in a what-if factor of typically feral animals coming around to that line of thinking. I imagine social creatures like Faida and Nadira were able to come to it much sooner BECAUSE they're social by base nature. Animals like Leopards would likely have a harder time to it due to their solitary nature. But that's just a game theory. I'll stop yapping now. Either way, I love this comic and I'm always excited to see where it goes! Keep up the great work! :)