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There is no helping it, sadly not even Mom's hug can overcome Mosi's instinct. But it does look like he's trying to restrain himself <3

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




I need to reread this chapter to get a full grasp on the situation because I keep wondering why Mosi can't control his instinct while so many animals did overcome it on various occasions. Is this because of the elephant's words on the marsh, to give in and not to struggle? Hope this will resolve one way or another and Mosi will actually stop for a moment to talk to his mother instead of trying to light out from there.


The way he's acting actually reminds me of feral domestic cats, in most cases considered untameable.

Stephanie Titarenko

No, Mosi! *grabs spray-bottle* Bad kitty! No eating Mondo! Ahem, it's still weird to me that Mosi got that big in only 5 months' time, and it will never stop being weird to me ( I keep expecting him to be more the size shown here https://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/leopard-information.html with the mom and subadult cub together ), BUT it did make the last few pages more suspenseful, I must admit. Mosi is a big boy and he could easily kill Mondo if he caught him. I'm guessing there is more to Mosi's behavior towards Mondo here than a simple case of instinct, since we see animals defy their instincts all the time in this comic, seemingly with little effort. My GUESS is that either his bad mental space ( survivor's guilt, bitterness, anger, resentment, feelings of helplessness and inability to change for the better [ THANKS Africa, Mister Elephant ] ) is making it harder for him to reign in his prey drive, OR he is confused and chalking up his burning anger and resentment towards Mondo ( for "replacing" him and Binti and for being related to Sabra ) to natural instinct. Either way I think there is DEFINITELY an anger component there: you can see the rage in his eyes when he charges at Mondo. He wouldn't be feeling such unbridled ANGER if he simply saw Mondo as food to be caught and eaten or an obstacle to be eliminated ( as would be the case of an adult male leopard killing cubs to breed the mother, though again, I'm ruling this out until proven otherwise because Mosi is simply too young to be experiencing those instincts right now ). I hope he stays and listens to Africa, but the way things are looking right now I kinda doubt that's going to be the case ( I hope I am wrong! ). He both wants his mother near and doesn't want to be around her at the same time. I wish he would just pull his head out of his butt and do the sensible thing for once, but he IS traumatized and has been receiving bad advice ( even if the reason it was bad ends up being because it was too cryptic ) while living with someone who has been enabling his maladaptive behavior ( if I were Bibi I would have went straight to Africa because Mosi NEEDED his mother more than anything else in the world right then and was too young to make intelligent, well-informed decisions and know what was best for himself ). I think it's gonna take more than an Africa hug and some kind words to get him on the path to fully coming to terms with what happened and healing from it. This has been an interesting twist, but frustrating. I really liked Mosi as a cub, but he's been spiraling since the lion attack and it's been hard for me to like him since then, since he has been the root cause of all his problems past that point ( by not just, you know, going back to his mother and TALKING THINGS OVER with her ). I don't want to see anything bad happen to him, but there have been several points lately where he has needed the leopard-equivalent of a time-out or loss of privileges.

Melody Williamson

He's been browsing r/childfree and became full on anti natalist


Mosi has severe PTSD and confusion. Don't confuse im with the crazy people who forget babies hve to be born for their to be a population. Yeah, I'm childfree and have been kicked from online groups because to me childfree means I don't want my own kids or to be a babysitter. And other issues are more I have issue with crappy parents more than kids. But if you want to anger people in the childfree communties just go on their sites and be reasonable but respectful. Here's some things that will just piss them off. 1: Some people do honestly want their kids and are good parents. 2: Kids do deserve to live and not be locked away out of site until they ae 18. 3: Any suggestion that humans are not born with full reasoning and knowledge of how to behave. People on these sites act like a baby is suppose to be able to explain what's wrong instead of crying. 4: Parentling is harder than having pets. I mean, I have needy cats and they are trying to stop me typing this right now, but at least I can leave them home alone to go to work and not get a call the neighbor is driving them to the hospital for trying to ramp a bike over a massive pot hole.