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Hello everyone! Welcome to the new Sketchdump for March! Here we go with this month's sketch collection! :D

Shoutout to Fate, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Juunibi as both a Tanuki and an Inugami! Our evil boi looks devilishly charming no matter what form he takes, it seems! I loved designing these, haha!

Shoutout to Luke Wolf, who asked for a sketch of Bes as a cub! Dawww doesn't he look so cute and squishable!! <3 I wish I could hug the lil bean but I'd probably get shredded to pieces lol!

Shoutout to Lucas, who asked for a sketch of Chui as Commander Shepard from Mass Effect! The armor looks really dashing on him doesn't it! Though Chui would make quite the corrupted commander I'd feel xD

Shoutout to Pantera, who combined three months' worth of sketches to request a scene with Africa successfully raising both Mosi and Binti to adulthood, and saying their goodbyes when it's time to go their separate ways <3 So many feels for this one aww, with Mosi hugging both at the same time <3 <3

Shoutout to Syrus Coy, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Mosi and Chui arm wrestling, with Mosi winning over his opponent! Don't underestimate a dude who spent his childhood climbing trees, young man's got biceps for days :D

Shoutout to Silver Huskey, who combined three months' worth of sketches to request Africa, Mondo and Mosi fishing together at a river! Gotta love the teamwork for this one hahah, especially the sibling cooperation <3 <3

Shoutout to Koco, who asked for a sketch of Mondo finally relaxing after all the trauma he went through recently Dx Our sweet lil boi deserves all the happiness, look at him rolling around happily and without a worry in the world!

Shoutout to Shadow Hyder, who combined four months' worth of sketches to request a side by side comparison of a female and male Azaroth, along with a female and male Azara! They tend to be pretty big, especially the Azaroth! Considering Azaras are about 6'7'' on average, and the Azaroth are fully capable of carrying their weight when they team up as warriors, a big Azaroth could almost stare a human directly in the eyes!

Shoutout to Raptorzs, who asked for a sketch of Bes as a James Bond villain! I went with a Blofeld look, with a quick cameo of Sabra as the cat xDDD These two are as evil as evil can be!

Shoutout to UnagiWolf, who asked for a sketch of a grown Mosi without his scars <3 Look at our restored boi, this is how things should have gone for him :) Confident, strong and proud <3

Shoutout to 8NinjaK, who combined two months' worth of sketches to request Mosi meeting a ghostly Binti and getting closure and consolation from her <3 They both love each other so much, Binti wouldn't be mad at her brother for how things went, and he needs to know this at all costs <3

I loved working on these so much! I am so hyped for the April poll, I can't wait to see who wins!! XD Make sure to stay tuned, the poll is coming up soon! :D

And last but not least,  a big shoutout to KMC, LittleCoyote, Skailla,  AywenSix, Teliko,  Cpat, and DenisTrenque for the support! You're free to request your sketch as well as all your other rewards whenever you want! :)




Pahaha!! Adding Sabra to mine was aces! Ahh I love that. Perfect


I didn’t suggest again… I forgot. I’ve now got three saved up.