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So this ended up  being more of a podcast style discussion, but I really think we dove into some amazing points! Please let me know what your thoughts are on this format for the series. This was so much fun and I'd definitely like to do it again. Also, special thanks to both Blake and Ayda for contributing so much to the discussion!


Ayda Lucero Fleck

DISCLAIMER & CONTEXT ABOUT ME: I’m not a fan account, I have a general account wherein my identities as political activist, pop culture & personal (family, mental health etc) intersect. I learned of BTS in a Lainey post Nov.2017—NO IDEA OF JOURNEY I WAS ABOUT TO UNDERTAKE. ⭐My entry was #RepresentationMatters. Just interested in finding out about these South Korean musicians making a big splash in industry media (H’wood Reporter, Variety etc) Watched AMA, BBMA?, SNL. “History making” BTS was mentioned in same breath as Michael Jackson & the Beatles.💙 What pulled me in was RM’s ment paraphrasing, “If ARMY was 100 scale of pain, if BTS’ songs/dancing brought that down to 98, 97, it would’ve been worth it.đŸ©”I’d heard similar phrases in years of continuing therapy & CBT/PHP for my cPTSD, bipolar, panic/anxiety etc—So I became baby Army.❀DOPE MV sold me on BTS music/choreos & down rabbit hole.💖Finally, their humanitarian, philanthropic, work ethic, personal qualities, humility & respect for everyone regardless of rank, their love for ea other & ♟Army solidified me as Army right after RM’s 1st UN speech. BTS became a major part of my life—got me through tRump, #MeToo, Pandemic & its economic effects, 1/6/21 & more.


I was really excited for this and I did enjoy the discussion but I kinda wish there was more research done because there was a lot of misinformation said. I understand we can’t know everything but maybe researching, taking notes and going through a set order would be better for the next artist series. 💜💜