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Hey folks!

We've released 3 new asset packs recently, so we've put all the sample packs into this one post for your convenience!

Our latest packs are Dashing Dashboards 3, The Great Outdoors and Top Down Mounts - Camels.

  • Dashing Dashboards 3 is the latest installation in our Dashing Dashboards series!
    A collection of 160+ boxes, frames and headers to design your own personalised splash screen/landing page!
Available on Roll20 & DriveThruRPG 
  • The Great Outdoors is a collection of 119 assets to customise your campsites and the like!
    Including trees, benches, tents, foliage and other miscellanous items. 
Available on Roll20 & DriveThruRPG 
  • Top Down Mounts - Camels is a pack of 27 SRD-compatible camel mounts!
    Plain camels, camels with saddles, camels with bits and bridles and even armoured camels!
    There are also colour variations - 3 different coloured camels and different armour colour options.
    Plus, we've also included both one and two-humped camels! 
Available on Roll20 & DriveThruRPG

Hope you can put these assets to good use!
You can check out more samples from our previous asset packs here.

Catch ya later!
Lady Chib



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