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Hey folks!

Today we have for you the static versions of our 4th animated map: Withered Hubert's Cave!

Chibbin Knights+ can find High Res versions plus an extra variant over here.
Chibbin Sages can find the animated versions

A dark, dank cave with an interesting ecosystem.
A troll passes through this cave, foraging mushrooms and often also leaving behind some 'presents'. This facilitates the growing of the mushrooms in the cave, which results in the troll constantly coming back to pick more!
The troll also acts as sustenance for the Stirges that can be found nesting in these caves through the Autumn and Winter months. 

If you'd be interested in the animated version of this map, consider becoming a Chibbin Sage! This tier receives a new animated map each month.

We hope you enjoy this map!
If you have any questions, let us know in The Midden over on Discord or in the comments below.

Chibbin Dukes+ can expect to see some print-and-play tokens to go along with this map in the near future!

Lady Chib

You are free to use these maps under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Merchants are free to use them under a CC BY-ND 4.0 license. 



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