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Hey folks!

It's been exactly a month since our last round-up; we thought it would be more efficient to make these a monthly summary rather than weekly.
Here's what we've been cooking up the past month!

Our latest Chibbin Duke map poll has just ended and the result is in; the next map will be an Enchanted Something. As the something was not specified by voters we will allow our imagination to run wild with this one!

We have also been putting a lot of work into getting our website up and running, so you will hopefully be seeing that sometime soon.

So, in the last round-up we showed how our second animated map was coming along.
This has now been released and you can see a little glimpse of it here:

Last time we also showed you the progress we were making on a Patron suggestion map.
We actually decided to make that map our third animated map and released a variant for free!

We've also been continuing work on the Castle Map, filling the rooms:

(Taken from Knight Tapestry)

Work on this map is going fairly slow as other work and deadlines have been a priority. We do really want to get this finished but also don't want to rush it, so Connor will continue to work on it in his free time when he can.
You can find a lot more of our progress on this over on Discord, particularly in the Knight Tapestry+.

We also have some experimental work going on at the moment that will utilise some assets we created the past month just for fun. Here's a peek at some of those:

(Taken from Squire Tapestry)

Here's also a little look at a variant in-progress from our map of The Great Mother Wave, which we also released this past month:

(Taken from Duke Tapestry)

Bonus: If you saw our giveaway with TableClicks you may recognise this little guy:

(Taken from Knight Tapestry)

For more WIPs you can join us over on Discord! There you can also find a lot more detail on the processes and inspirations.

You can check out the last round-up here!

Lady Chib, over and out!  


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