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Hey folks!

Here's this weeks look at what we've been creating recently! For more WIPs and information check out the tapestry channels over on our Discord!

We've been making a lot of headway on the Castle Map (Free Map #40 rework)!
It has been a lot of fun to work on; definitely a passion project!
Connor has also been streaming as he works on this map, so be sure to follow him on Twitch so you know when he goes live!

Here's a look at Floor 0 (Lower Courtyard) of this map:

(Taken from Knight Tapestry)

This floor will be ready to release soon, with Floor 1 (Upper Courtyard) following shortly after!

Here's a closer look at how the caves have been coming along for Floor 0:

(Taken from Squire Tapestry)

Aside from the Castle Map, we have also begun work on our first October map suggestion!
(Chibbin Dukes can make map suggestions here!)

Here's the brief we were given:

It's a lucky coincidence that we were suggested this map as Connor has been wanting to draw a library map for some time now!
So a big thank you to our wonderful Chibbin Duke, Nikolas!

This is how we got the layout looking:

(Taken from Duke Tapestry)

Here's a closer look after adding some more detail:

(Taken from Squire Tapestry)

You may notice that we've used the same kind of stonework and building materials as the castle map. This is because these two locations will be included in the city of Direpeak from our Rites of Heran series!

That's all for this week! We'd love to hear any feedback you may have!
For more regular in-depth updates, join our Discord!

You can check out last weeks round-up here!

See ya!
Lady Chib


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