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[A breakdown of the panels found on Infinite Wizard Tower maps. We will use these panels to help formulate room descriptions.]

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More Information on Infinite Wizard Tower [IWF] can be found here.

[Remember the floor details panel is only a guideline]

There are 5* sections on the floor details panel.

*The note section at the end can be ignored for now.

[You can find the floor details panel at the top right of each map]

I Don't think I need to explain this one! :P

Each floor will have a distance relative to the ground floor. 

The default distance between each floor is 15ft. Thus expect each floor to go up by 15ft! Easy math yaay.

[This number might change depending on the ceiling requirements for future floors]. 

[This section will become fun the more floors we create!] 

The remaining 3 sections substitutes their informative aspects, for a more flavorful/idea sparking approach.

Arcane Energy can be whatever you want it to mean. The intended purpose of this section is spark ideas for the possibility of rooms and the potential for magic use* on each floor.

 *Note: The magic used for room building not the players. 

[I will use this to help form synergies when picking from the submissions]. 

Ranges from 4 different states;

N/A - Mundane - These kind of floors should not have any features that relate to the use or abuse of magic.  If their is magic, an explanation for its masking should be put in place. 

[I am hoping for a mixture of inventive mundane rooms and cleverly masked secrets! - Fun times]

Low - Minor amounts of trace energy. Example - The echoes of cast spells, ancient wards barely holding on or the continual runic energies of running gizmos.

Medium - Continual use of magic is common on floors with this level of energy. Though in some cases it could mean a large concentration of magic in a small area (1 or 2 rooms).

[I will be looking to create synergy between submissions and the Energy Cap* of each floor.] 

*Note: The maximum energy used on a floor. Example - A floor with low energy levels will have a much smaller cap than a medium and a high level floor does not have a cap at all. 

[This is particular important for Medium levels, since balance will be more important].

[We cant have too many high magic rooms on a medium floor. Which means having a low magic room description for medium energy floor. 

[Following this guideline may increase chances of synergy between submissions on the same floor]

High - Can mean anything. It could be one extremely powerful force being created from 1 tiny object, or it could mean the entire floor is filled with various kinds of magic. 

[The limit here is boundless and I think it will allow for some very creative/wacky floor plans and descriptions].

Consider this section as the key indicator for a floors general flavor. As a general rule, if a floor has a school influence then the rooms on that floor should follow the same theme. 

[Remember! Rules are made to be broken so if your room description does not follow the floors school influence, try and come up with a reason to why]

There will be many different kinds of schools, I will not be restricting the limit to the standard 8 schools of magic found in common roleplay games. The door is open to all kinds of avenues! Fun Fun Fun!! 

[I have plenty of ideas for schools of magic, though I am more than happy to hear your suggestions. Feel free to leave them in the comment section below!]

[If a floor is marked with NONE; The floor is a open playing field for flavor with schools of magic. Easy!]

The plane of existence with the most influence on a floor will be displayed here.

Just like the School Influence section, this section deals with flavor. However, the planes influence section will change on a less frequent scale. In most cases the floors will be influenced by the material plane. 

[There are countless planes, if you have a suggestion for a plane let me know in the comment section below!]

[The more floors we create the higher the chances of a new planes influence to occur.]




Try not to find this wall of content daunting. You do not have to follow it to submit a description. Again this is just a guideline :D


Possibly re-visit at some time?