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Hey folks,

Map 69 came from the Chibbin Noble suggestion. There are still 10 days left within this current window for suggestions. If you are a Chibbin Noble and want to suggest some maps; head over to the current Chibbin Noble Map Suggestion Post.

This suggestion came from the awesome patron  Callum Jinks, as usual his suggestion was filled with detail, this made the planning very easily. So thank you for being awesome!

Map Plan  - Line work and Layering

My aim for this map is to create an atmosphere of the old and ancient, along with a clear indications of new ownership (cultists taking over the temple).

To begin, I have created the basic layout, marked out the negative space and laid down some basic tones of shade.

So far, I have only worked on the "dragon temple" layer. I want to build it up with some dragon/scale iconography and black stonework.  Once I feel enough has been added I will begin working on a new layer; the "cultist occupation", I am unsure what to add at this present time to indicate the take over by the cultists, any suggestion here will be most welcome.

Once the cultist occupation layer has been added, I will add some extra rubble and aging before moving onto the colour.

The Linework will be released to patrons before the final release, expect this to be done within the next couple of days.

Let me know what you think so far!





Did you mean "Cultist *Infested* Ancient Dragon Temple?"


Looking forward to this one for sure, love EVERYTHING dragon related.


Great to hear! I plan to have this finished soon. However I have injured myself and I have not been able to work on the map as much as I would have liked. I will give an update in WIP 2, coming soon!