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Hey Folks,

I have been poking about with a suggestion made by one of the Chibbin Nobles.

" traveling druidic tribes camp... . Kind of like the Dalish from Dragon Age. Deep in the forest, with makeshift tents, the tarps tied at edges of the trees to create overhangs; these go over some small store fronts and sleep areas, though mostly the seating and sleeping areas are picnicy, with blankets and pillows strewn across the forest floor, using fallen logs as headboards and seats. Perhaps a few rustic wagons carry supplies, maybe a central bonfire type area?"

As you can see I have the rough location of design completed. I am now building up the linework to be more rendered; starting with the tree canopy.

I plan to place a bonfire somewhere, but I have not decided where, maybe you can let me know where you think would be best in the comment section!

Another thing I would like your help with is working out why certain areas of the map are glowing blue. I have not decided yet what is causing this to occur. Maybe its some glowing mushrooms or perhaps some fairy flies, who knows. If you have any ideas let me know in the comments below.

I should have this map completed by Wednesday at the latest. Depending on other works/project deadlines.




This looks absolutely gorgeous and exactly like what I was envisioning! Cant wait to see the final product! Thank you :)


Thank you! Its been fun drawing all the little leaves and foliage.