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Hey folks,

I have been working in my spare time of the holidays on map 64.

Sorry for the delay in updates, I had file corruption and lost all my work on the individual coins layer for the layer of treasure in the layer. Lets say I was not pleased to say the least!  

Thus I have had to start all over, this time I am just doing the treasure layer in a simple line and fill, rather than making each coin and placing it like an asset like before.

I do not know why I went down that route anyways, it takes far too long for very little return. However! I am having a lot of fun with the new treasure drawing, I will hide some little gems and items through out the room.

This map may take a little longer than usual as the treasure could take a while to finish, but its a labor of love at the end of the day and I plan to enjoy every moment of it!

I also managed to work on a new asset, a little fur and leather lined chest, it fills around a 1x1 square and I think it matches the lairs planned aesthetic. What do y'all think?

I will keep you guys updated with map 64 and I also have a few announcements to make in the new year so stay tuned for those aswell.

Cheers and I hope you all had a awesome holiday!

I continued to work on the treasure layer today, here is a little snip of the progress!





Ooooof that is rough, sorry to hear that. *head hug*


Aww thank you! Aye I know its a pain but Im actually pleased with how the new version looks over the old, so the grass is greener!


That is. soooo much treasure. Man. Thats gonna be an epic encounter. This map is looking awesome!