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Hey Folks,

Below you will find the VAST variants for map 57 continued. I need to find a better system for this as the last thing i want to do is bombard you lovely folks with file after file.

Bare with me over the near future I will try and work something out that's a lot less file intensive.

Thank you once again for being so patient with the variant uploads.  

Free map #57
#57 patron content 

Image Size 

  • 15000x9000 Pixels 
  • 50x30  (100x100 pixel square grid)
  • 70DPI/300DPI
    This work is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license 




Hoo boy, hope you can find a solution sometime soon because that's a LOT of files...


Yeah tell me about it. Im not happy with the 200mb limit for file uploading. I think next time I do a large multi story map I will release 1 floor at a time.


what some of the other creators i follow do is create a private dropbox folder then pm patrons a link, maybe something like that?


Dropbox is on the list for possible solutions. I wanted to try and stay away from having to uploading it on a separate platform. Though it looks like the best case scenario at the moment