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Hey folks,

Recently Patreon has introduced a new feature for creators. This new feature allows creators to opt in for upfront payment for new Patrons.

This means any new Patrons whom wish to support Chibbin Grove will be charged upfront, instead of at the end of the month. After this charge, payment will commence on the first of every new month as per usual.

Existing patrons will not be affected. This will only affect new patrons.

The reason behind this change is due to a few folk each month becoming a patron only to download patron only content before cancelling their patronage before payment is due. 

I am not pleased I have to do this but it is the only way to keep placing food on the table.

I will also state this only counts for a small portion of people, the vast majority are extremely supportive and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping the ball rolling for Chibbin Grove creations.

If you have any questions please comment below. 

You can find out more information about the up front charge feature here.

Thank you.



Below you will find some answers from the FAQ for up front charges that pertain to patrons Q: What happens if an existing patron increases their pledge amount? A: Patrons who increase their pledge amount will immediately be charged the difference between their previous pledge level and their new pledge level. For example, a patron was charged $10 on March 1st. They edit their pledge to $15 on March 7th. On March 7th, they are charged $5 to bring the total paid by this patron in March up to $15. Q: What happens if an existing patron decreases their pledge amount? A: Patrons who decrease their pledge amount will be charged the new amount on the 1st of the month. They will not be refunded anything.


Well as long as you don't charge extra without warning us I have no problems with it, of course you should be payed for your service and work that's why we're here right? :)


I made sure to research there would be no extra charges to current patrons. I wanted to make sure you lovely folk were not effected by the changes. Thank you for supporting Chibbin Grove!