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Hey folks,

So I started to doodle due to the heat here a few days ago. After a while this doodle turned into a mini project.

It's now a 4800x4800 600dpi monster that will take me some time to tame. Once this has been achieved I will release the map for free and I will have a version with blank Icons and location names so you can input your own ideas if you feel like it.

I will now showcase some closer WIP shots and explain what's going on in this crazy piece a little. I should also state that I understand it's hard to make out exactly what's going on in the screenshot images below. This is me being cruel as I will update with more previews as the work continues. 

#1 A lot of Line

As I said, this was a doodle that turned into its own entity as time went on. The map will be filled with a lot of of small detail, so when you zoom into the map more is revealed to the viewer. 

#2 Feywild

The Feywild has inspired this maps progression since the doodle stage. I have started to include icons; these icons have the usual "settlement badges", Roads and Bridges like most map icons. However, I have also started to add more flavourful icons, such as the various animal/beast icons.  

The idea is to leave most of the icons ambiguous so the blank variant of the map for patrons will allow for more flexibility and story building.  For me, the beast icons will be used to alert users of prime hunting grounds for the depicted beast/animal. 

#3 Block Colour

I started adding in colour pretty early on. Mainly to help separate shapes and to help my eye break down areas of the map. However, I must admit some of it is due to my ADHD. I can't work in stages, I get too bored if I do all the line in 1 sitting or the block colour. Thus, over the years I have started to just mix 'n' match stages for peace of mind and to help control my attention. It's not the best of techniques, I do not recommend working in this manner but hey, it works for me.  

#4 The World Tree

So throughout the entire map I will be doing what I like to call "Pop Markers" These are aspects of the world I want to (for lack of a better word) pop out on the map.

The world tree is a good example of this technique. It's pretty fun switching perspective/scale, though it can make the line very busy very quick so I try and use it with caution. I say try as this map is littered with these pop markers.

#5 Atomic Volcano and My Eternal Enemy

So one problem I am having already with this map is the damn mushroom cloud on the volcano. This is obviously an extreme exaggeration of volcanic action but it also has a small design choice that I am having problems with.

Since the the map is Feywild inspired, I wanted to try and capture some of the feywild in the mushroom cloud. Thus, I am trying to make the upper part of the cloud look like a tree. In it's current state it's not working.

This is but 1 of many small problem/ideas I need to develop more but it's pretty damn fun working it out. Hopefully I'll be able to tackle this shroom tree combo before I finish the rest of the map.

#6 Map Icon Overboard

I have decided to make this map extreme when it comes to detail and map icons. I want to fill this entire map with lots of crazy icons. I'm working on lots of icons to populate the map and will explain how I will be using them but like I said I want to leave it up to the DM how they will decide to use them in 1 of the variants. 

#7 Green Green Green

The map itself will be filled with lots of different types of green terrain. This means the lack of varied terrain is a risk of making the map boring. One way I have decided to tackle this problem is with high contrasting hues and using a lot of different  techniques for drawing trees.

Normally I like to use a uniformed set of map features, using the same technique for every tree, mountain and hill. However, on this map I am mixing and matching different terrain designs. Hopefully this will help make the map terrain look varied and not a repeat of the same geography over and over.



This map is a little side project I am doing just for fun, it won't be a universal map that will cover every aspect of geography. It's a project of pure passion and joy. Thus, I won't be rushing it and only working on it when I have time.

Let me know what you think, I will showcase more if people are interested and if you like this kind of post let me know, I will do it more often if so.



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