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Hey Folks,

Congratulations! We have reached the 3rd goal. That's 2 goals in the space of 15 days, crazy!! Thank you for the encouragements and support.

Now let's get down to the nitty gritty of this reward. The set will contain over 100 tiles. They will be around 7x7 inches and yes they will be print friendly and will have VTT variants. This tile set will be exclusive to patrons and will be totally free, a thank you for supporting thus far.

Now the fun part! The Theme. Below you will see 4 options to pick from. Take your time to vote as this poll will be running for 2 weeks.

Bonus points if you can name the castle in the image above.

Exciting Times!!



Looks like Edinburgh Castle.


We have a winner and a keen eye well done! Its my home city I miss seeing it everyday


Oh I should also state: If there is a draw I will do a second poll to determine the winning choice


Deadline is getting closer. You have until the new PC arrives to vote.


I have just had news the new system will arrive tomorrow. Which means "Dungeon" Tile Set has won the poll I will update in the new future the time table for this Free Patron Tile Set. Exciting times!