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 Hey folks!

Today we have a feywild/enchanted forest inspired map! I decided to places the trees above the grid, let me know if this is something you would like to see in the future.

Also, If you would like to win a custom made map from me, leave a comment below with a plot hook to why a party would be on this map! 

Consider becoming a Patron to unlock the no grid version of this map and other variants!

Image Size


40x30 (70x70x Grid) - Roll20 Compatible 

This work is released under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license   




As the party find themselves investigating a giant boar situation for a local town; the clues lead them into the forbidden forest nearby the town. Villagers never enter this forest, because those that do are never seen again. The party enters, and at first, although exceptionally dark and gloomy, nothing interesting happens. As they venture further, following the tracks of a slain giant boar (in the hopes of finding the source of this issue), the forest around them begins to lighten. Subtly, at first, different portions of the forest begin to glow around them. As they carry on, following the tracks, the forest begins to open up, the dark trees begin to take a more mystical form... the greens turn to blues, the air begins to smell sweeter. What the party doesn't know, is they've stumbled on a fey layline that blurs the borders between the material plane and the fey. Only recently did the veil between realms become thin enough for creatures and objects to pass between the two. A group of Pixies have been having fun by turning the local wildlife that wandered into their territory into enlarged versions of themselves, then they would spook them back into the material plane. It's up to the PC's to decide if these creatures can be reasoned with, or if they must be dealt with in a more permanent manner.