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Wooo its been a tough few days, but jeez I got them finished. 214 bloody base tiles for the Roll20 pack!

Now, that's a lot of tiles, I mean for base tiles... normally I do about 60? But because of ONE texture.. yes ONE, I had to make sooo many extra tiles for the basic corridors of this pack.

I mean I have not even started on the rooms or some of the crazy snazzy corridors I like to play with.

It sounds like I am being a little grumpy haha, I'm not, I just love to have a little rant every now and then you know?

So yeah, base tiles done woop woop! What's next you ask?

Hmm.. I think I need to do some end tiles so dead ends can be made easily, along with some actual rooms haha!!

I should be able to get this done tomorrow night, well I need to if I want to meet this weeks deadline for submissions. I can do it!!

Wish me luck for tomorrow, I will keep you folk posted on how it goes too!



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