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Hey folks!

So today I wanted to showcase the merger tiles I am creating for the next Roll20 Pack.

Normally the merger tiles I create are pretty simple and I only need to create 1 tile for each tile size.  Which is great because it is less work, but this time round, I have hit a snag with one of the textures and I will need to create a merger tile for each direction! ALL because of one texture in the pack!

The problem being the ornate stone floor texture I created. Basically if a tile is rotated the image imprinted on the floor design changes its facing, which is fine but I know some folk (me included) would find it jarring. SO this means I am having to create MANY merger tiles for just the one tile size. Oh how I love my work haha. 

In all seriousness though, I could just change the floor texture. But hey I like it and I would rather give you guys the option to have the different faces to keep that uniformed feel for the flooring. 

Anyways, enough ranting from me, I just hope you folk will enjoy these tiles and the pack overall when its complete.

Give me your thoughts in the comments!



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