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Blowback’s Noah Kulwin joins Will in talking to filmmakers Christian Hansen and Zachary Treitz about their new Netflix series “American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders”. Centered around the mysterious death of journalist Danny Casolaro, the sprawling story eventually touches on everything from spy software, the CIA, Native American Reservations, the mob, Iran-Contra, rail guns, and more.

Catch American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders streaming now on Netflix.



Mike Mariano

Just listening to this way late but it’s wild seeing this CovertAction Magazine article accusing these filmmakers of burning and misrepresenting their sources: https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/03/11/netflix-series-on-the-octopus-murders-continues-cover-up-of-reporters-death-and-cia-crimes-he-threatened-to-expose/


Louisvillians, represent!